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Overweight, Depressed And “Ready To Throw In The Towel”

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Dear Joshua:

I’m 15 years old, 50 lbs. overweight and I hate the way I look.  All the thin, pretty  girls at school get all the attention from all the cute guys. 

I get so depressed when I see these girls in their bikinis on Instagram and Facebook and the big fuss that all the cute jocks are always making over them.

None of these guys would ever even give me a second look because I’m so darn fat. I feel so ugly!  If only I could find a way to lose about 50 lbs. and keep it off!

I’ve tried a million different diets and I just don’t have the willpower to stick with any of them.  I’m always going to be fat!

I hate my life.  It sucks!   The pretty girls at  school have everything. They’re so popular. Their lives are perfect. Why can’t I be more like them?  It’s not fair.

I don’t know how much longer I can take this life. I’m so sad. Can you help me?

– Depressed Dorothy

[/fusion_text][fusion_section_separator divider_type=”bigtriangle” divider_position=”center” divider_candy=”bottom” icon=”” icon_color=”” bordersize=”” bordercolor=”” backgroundcolor=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” /][fusion_separator style_type=”default” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” sep_color=”” top_margin=”25″ bottom_margin=”25″ border_size=”” icon=”” icon_size=”” icon_circle=”” icon_circle_color=”” width=”” alignment=”center” /][fusion_text columns=”” column_min_width=”” column_spacing=”” rule_style=”default” rule_size=”” rule_color=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]

From:  Somewhere in the USA

Tuesday, 3:26 a.m.

December 11, 2018

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Dear Dorothy:

Yes, I can help you… absolutely.  Here’s what you should do immediately.

Visit just about any bookstore (or go online) and buy a book titled, The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolff. This amazing book will show you how to kill your cravings for sweets, salty, fatty and processed foods. (All the bad, toxic, unhealthy stuff that makes people gain weight.)

NOTE: I saw where you said, “I’ve tried a million different diets and I just don’t have the willpower to stick with any of them.” 

The reason you haven’t been able to stick with any of those diets Dorothy, is because virtually all of them tell you that it’s okay to eat certain “cheat foods”… as long as you eat them in moderation (in small amounts on rare occasions).

But that’s not true.  In fact… it’s… it’s…

It’s Just Flat-Out

Bad Advice!

Cheat foods / junk foods contain additives like Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate), Trans-Fats, Sodium Nitrate /Sodium Nitrites, BHA, BHT, and artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Equal or NutraSweet.

Dorothy, all those additives… they’re “poison”… and they’re highly addictive.

And when you make them a part of your diet (even in moderation) you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Check this out.

Many years ago there was a marketing campaign for Lay’s potato chips. Their marketing slogan was “Lay’s Potato Chips… You Can’t Eat Just One!”

The slogan was actually pretty accurate… as it really was difficult to eat just one.


Because they were loaded with all kinds of additives, including MSG… which some scientists say… is… well… they say…

It’s More Addictive

Than Crack Cocaine!

Now, I don’t know just how accurate that allegation is, but one thing I do know for sure, is that additives do contain addictive properties… and they are properties that do cause people to overeat!

And that doesn’t bode well for people who are trying to slim down.

Don’t Sweat It Though…

Because when you read The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolff… and you follow his advice of not eating processed foods… but rather… substituting them with super-foods that contain vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants… within just 60 to 90 days, your cravings for junk food will disappear.


It’s Not Going To Be

All Fun & Games!

The Paleo Solution is not a “Magic Bullet” diet. You don’t just read a book… and start this new way of eating without encountering a few hurdles along the way.

For starters, your body is gonna have to go through a “detoxification process” as you eliminate all those toxic additives from your diet.

It’s going to be a little tough at first, but stick with it, because once you get through the 60 to 90 day “detox process”… something incredible is going to happen…

A Whole New You!!!

As the Paleo Solution becomes a part of your every day life… you are going to see a quick, dramatic change in your appearance, as it burns calories and melts body fat unlike anything you have ever seen before.

And… in addition to the amazing physical changes to your body, you’re also going to see a big improvement in your mental health.

Your mood will be elevated and you’ll have mental clarity that is off-the-charts!

And as if that’s not enough… you’ll also have a tremendous amount of energy that will help you to live a more productive life.

And… because of all those things…

You’ll Never Want To

Go Back To Your

Old Ways Of Eating!

It’s true.

You’ll be standing tall… looking good… and feeling like a whole new person.

Now as for your comments about how all the pretty girls at school have perfect lives (as portrayed in their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Snapchat posts).

It’s A Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake

World Out There

In The Land of Social Media!!!

Dorothy, I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything you see on social media if I were you. 

People, especially teenagers, have a habit of posting photos that project an image of a life that’s far better… far more exciting than what their real lives are like.

When flipping through social media, I’m sure you regularly run across photos of your classmates having a blast, out on the town, “partying-it-up” at concerts, at the movies, dining out, making out, hanging with their friends, vaping / juuling, etc., etc.

Keep in mind that they post all that stuff to give people the impression that their life is just one big party.

But This Is Reality…


What you won’t see Dorothy… what you won’t come across in any of those social media posts are photos that capture what’s happening in their real lives.

I’m talking about things that plague the lives of millions. Things like eating disorders, mental health issues, financial problems, physical abuse, emotional abuse, drug & alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, dishonesty, incest, betrayal, infidelity, divorce, etc., etc.

Nope… you won’t run across any of that stuff on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Instagram. Sorry, but for some mysterious reason, real life issues like those… that plague so many families… they never seem to find their way onto social media. 

As for all those popular girls at school who you envy so much… trust me Dorothy… their lives are far from perfect. They all have their fair share of problems. Yep…

“That’s The Fact Jack!!!”


                                – Bill Murray

                                      Stripes (1981)

Dorothy, I hope you find this advice useful.

You’ll be in my prayers forever lil’ buddy.

Sincerely yours,

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P.S. There’s one more thing I want you to do that will have more positive impact on your life than anything I’ve shared with you so far.

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When you get a chance, click on this Accepting J.C. link… and do your best to absorb everything it says. It might seem a little odd at first, but you’re just gonna have to trust me on this Dorothy.  (Good stuff!!!)

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